Thursday, January 2, 2014


Assalamualaikum wr.wb dear fellow readers,

Last Sunday was a memorable day for NYPMSN. We had a 'separate brothers & sisters' outing at East Coast Park. The purpose of this outing is to strengthen our existence bond and create mahabbah between us, while appreciating nature created by our Creator.

 Eventhough the weather was a bit cloudy, but Alhamdulillah all went well. The sisters cycled while others just relax by the beach, eating and discussing about some issues. For the brothers, we played frisbee and short soccer match by the beach. Follow up by performing our 'Asar and Maghrib prayer at ECP in jemaah strengthen our ukhuwwah as whole. Alhamdulillah. We hope that in the future outing, many will join us. Every each one of you play a role in making an event/activities/outing more fun and lively. Ukhuwwah fillah, insya-Allah! :)

Brothers after had fun playing frisbee and soccer. Eating time!!

Brothers group photo

Brothers eating for dinner

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