Saturday, December 28, 2013

Gems of Jannah 2013!

Alhamdulillah, Gems of Jannah III was back last Saturday, 21st December at Muhajirin Mosque. Two months of preparation brought the committee together and learn new things from one another. Two of the sisters were willing to share her home made milo cookies and kueh too! MasyaAllah.

The committee met up earlier to prepare for Gems of Jannah decoration. Tentatively, we started at about 11.15am. Our first activity was the ice breakers. First game was called the Adjective Names. Everyone will have to sit around a circle. Each person are to shout out their name and give an adjective for the first letter of their names. Second game is called Spot the Difference. This game was played in pairs where each partner have to change three things on themselves. The partner will have to spot the difference before and after change. Lastly is the Build the story game. Each statement that build up from each sisters will have an ending with ‘suddenly’. It was more of a suspense stories with a never ending plot.
Next up was Gems hunting. Each pair were given 15 minutes to find 9 coloured ice-cream sticks based on their gems colour. After which, they are to rearrange it to form a story. This story is about a girl who found a light in seeking knowledge on Islam. She made friends that support her in changing for the better.

As quoted in the Quran,

“But Allah is your protector, and He is the best of helpers”. -Surah Ali- 'Imran : 150

Surely, when Allah give His Hidayah, He will guide His servants to the straight path (sirotul mustaqim.

Having our lunch in a circular tray or in Malay we call it, ‘dulang’ setting where 4 people shared a set of dishes with rice did great in bonding the sisters. We performed our Zuhur prayer before making our way to listen to Ustazah Rusydah for the talk on ‘Change’.

The sisters were then given exercise books to decorate which will then be given to another sister. This exercise book is another token for them to express themselves, write a special message for their sister in Islam and remember Gems of Jannah III. 

Look at these lovely decorated notebooks(: 

Last activity, Muanajat, was led by Sister Muslihah. She shared with us a video about a guy who passed away before performing his prayer. Nauzubillah. May we be among those who upholds the prayer as the pillar of Islam and remain steadfast in it.

Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah.
We hope that everyone had gained a thing or two from the event and be more motivated to change for the better.

Till we meet Gems of Jannah IV next year, InsyaAllah.

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