NYPMSN Sharing Session
Led by: Sisters 'Arifah 'Aqilah & Nur Shirin
Topic: Our Beloved Rasulullah(sallahu 'alayhi wa sallam)
Full Name: Muhammad(terpuji) bin Abdullah bin Abdul Muthalib bin Hasyim bin Abdul Manaf bin Qusaiy bin Kilaab bin Murra bin Kaab bin Luaiy bin Ghlaib bin Fihr bin Malik bin Nadher bin Kinanah bin Khuzaimah bin Mudrika bin Ilyas bin Mudhor bin Nizar bin Maad bin Adnan. Ends with nasab Ismail bin Ibrahim a.s.
Father: Abdullah (passed away when Rasulullah SAW was in his mother's womb)
Mother: Aminah (passed away when Rasulullah SAW was 6 years old)
Date of birth: Monday, 12 Rabiul Awal/ 20 April 571M
Rasullulah's characteristics:
- Smart,full of wisdom
- Rasullulah "Ummi" (who does not know how to read or write. This happen so as no accuser will make accuse of falsehood in what Rasulullah said. Its authenticity and originality is not from him but Allah SWT)
Semasa Rasulullah pertama kali berjumpa dengan Malaikat Jibrail. Detik-detiknya menjadi Rasul dan Nabi yang terakhir..
Tubuhnya yang menggigil ketakutan itu diselimutkan Khadijah. Beliau jugalah yang kemudian menyenangkannya dengan perkataannya yang lembut:
“Bergembiralah dan tabahkan hatimu, wahai putera bapa saudaraku. Demi Dia yang memegang hidupku, aku berharap kiranya engkau akan menjadi nabi bagi umat ini. Allah tidak akan mencemuhmu sebab engkaulah yang selalu mengeratkan hubungan keluarga. Engkau juga yang selalu memikul beban orang lain. Menolong mereka yang kesulitan. Engkau jugalah yang menghormati kami.”
Suratul An-Nisa’: 64
And We did not send any messenger except to be obeyed by permission of Allah. And if, when they wronged themselves, they had come to you, [O Muhammad], and asked forgiveness of Allah and the Messenger had asked forgiveness for them, they would have found Allah Accepting of repentance and Merciful.
Food of the Prophet
He would not reject food
He would not ask for food which was unavailable
He never criticized food
He loved sweets & honey
He ate various types of meat and fish
He loved dates
He loved milk
He ate bread with dates, vinegar, or oil
He liked cheese
He liked watermelon
He used to tie rocks to his stomach due to hunger
Months would pass without food being cooked at home
He sat on the ground to eat
He ate on with his three fingers
He would not lean while he ate
He usually sits while drinking
He would share his food with the person to his right & left
He always began with the name of Allah
He always ended by praising Allah
Found in Quranweekly.com
Speech of the Prophet
His speech was clear & easily memorized
He would often repeat his speech three times
He would greet three times
He would remain silent for a long periods of time
He would not speak unnecessarily
His speech was comprehensive, never excessive
He only spoke about what concerned him.
He only uttered that which could bear a reward
Only his face would reveal his displeasure
He was never vulgar
He would laugh only by smiling
He would shed many tears, but not cry loudly
Found in Quranweekly.com
Prophet Muhammad SAW said,
He who sends blessings on me once, Allah sends blessings on him ten times and removes from him ten sins and raises him by ten degrees. [Nisaa'i]
Our beloved Prophet ...
Was always worried (about the Hereafter), and busy thinking (about Allah & his ummah).
Spoke concisely, where the words were few and the meaning was great.
Uttered words that were always clearer than the ones that came before them.
Never engaged in nonsensical conversations.
Was not short-tempered, nor did he disgrace anyone (with his speech).
Always appreciated the blessings of Allah, even if it was minimal.
Did not criticize food, not over-praised it.
Never became angered by the loss of anything materialistic.
Would turn his face away if he became upset with someone, or he forgave them completely.
Often close his eyes out of shyness if he became extremely happy.
Laughed with a smile, at which moment his teeth glittered like white shining hailstones.
Narrated by Hind ibn Abi Haalah (Radiallahu 'anhu)
[Shaamail Tirmidhi]
Take advantage of 5 before 5
1. Youth before old age
2. Health before illness
3. Wealth before poverty
4. Free time before business
5. Life before death
[Al Baihaqi, Sha'b Al-Iman, Number 9575, Sahih]
Prophet Muhammad SAW dealing with Mu’amalat
Muamalat: interactions or transactions where commercial transactions are concluded through contracts
which are permitted by the Shariah as evidenced by the Quran, the Sunnah and other sources of Islamic Law.
Rasulullah is said to be “uswatun hasanah” which means the best of example.
He is Siddiq(speak the truth), amanah(trustworthy), Tabligh(spreading movement on Islamic faith), Fathonah(wisdom)
Daripada Abu Hurairah radiallahuanhu, Nabi salallahualaihiwasalaam bersabda yang bermaksud: “Janganlah kamu menambah harga barang jualan untuk memperdaya orang lain, janganlah kau saling memarahi, janganlah kamu saling berpaling (daripada saudara kamu untuk memutuskan talian persahabatan) dan janganlah sebahagian daripada kamu memutuskan pembelian sebahagian yang lain. Jadilah kamu hamba Allah yang bersaudara.”[HR Muslim]
A good formula in life that was shared by Mr Sazali(Housing property agent)
Rules + Regulations – Relationship = Rules
Rules – Regulations + Relationship = Respect
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