Led by: Brothers Khairul & Afiq
Topic: Jihad
“And do not think those who were killed in God’s sake are dead, but they are alive at their Lord, being provided for. And happy with what God gave them from His favour, and they will be announced good news to be cheerful with those who did not join with them from behind them, is it not that fear on them, and nor they be sad” [Surah Ali ‘Imran : 169-170]
From these verses, it is clear that Allah s.w.t. has promised those who fought in the way of Allah s.w.t. (Jihad) that they will be guaranteed paradise. These people are called the Mujahids. For the rest of their brothers who were not defeated in the battle, they will also be rewarded by Allah s.w.t. as what is being promised. There is a hadith that mentions Jihad as one of the best deeds.
Narrated by Abdullah bin Mas’ud, I asked Allah’s Apostle “O Allah’s Apostle! What is the best deed?” He replied “To offer the prayers at their fixed times.” I asked, “What is next in goodness?” He replied, “To be dutiful to your parents” I further asked, “what is next in goodness?” He replied, “To participate in Jihad in Allah’s cause.” I did not ask Allah’s Apostle anymore and if I had asked him more, he would have told me more. (Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 52, Number 41)
Jihad during the time of Rasulullah s.a.w. would always mean holy war, however in this current context, it is no longer associated with holy war, instead it means, struggle to righteousness. Those who killed children, babies, old people, women and innocent people who claims that taht is jihad do not understand what Jihad truly means. In Islam we know that these group of people are not allowed to be touched or killed, therefore, they cannot claim that what they are doing is Jihad. Jihad is no longer just war.
Jihad can be broken down into different types. First is Jihad against oneself. An example would be to perform obligatory prayer at its fixed time. We often delay our prayer until the very last minute because we are too obsessed with the things that we are doing until we compromise our prayer just for the things that is neither urgent nor important.
Secondly is Jihad against Syaitan. Syaitan will never stop to bring us astray till the day of kiamat. They will always find ways for us to fall to their tricks and do things that is prohibited by Allah s.w.t. An example would be waking up for Fajr prayer. How often we wake up for Fajr on time and perform our qobliyah fajr followed by fajr right after the azan. Syaitan will always whisper to your ears to tell you that your bed is very comfortable and you need your rest more than waking up just for a 2 rakaah prayer.
Lastly is Jihad against the kuffar and hypocrites. How are we going to answer their questions regarding Islam or how are we going to respond when they make fun and give negative remarks towards Islam. As Muslims, we are taught to be patient and be aware and careful of what we say so that they cannot counter us and find faults in what we reply to them.
Khalid ibn al-Walid
- AKA Sayf Allah al-Maslul ( Weapon of Allah )
- Noted for his military tactics and prowess, commanding the forces of Medina under Muhammad and the forces of his immediate successors of the Rashidun Calphiate; Abu Bakr and Umar ibn Khattab
- Due to his military leadership, Arabia was united under a single political entity, the Calphate.
- Won against forces of the Byzantine-Roman Empire, Sassanid-Persian Empire and their allies
- Khalid and Umar(Razi Allah) the second Caliph, were cousins and had very close facial resemblance. Khalid and Umar were both very tall, Khalid had a well-built body with broad shoulders. He had a beard which appeared full and thick on his face. He was also one of the champion wrestlers of his time
- Converted to Islam after Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, and participated in various expeditions for him, such as Battle of Mut’ah. (first battle btwn Romans and Muslims)
- Umar didn’t forbid wailing for the first time when Khalid ibn Walid died ;
“ Let the women of the Banu Makhzum say what they will about Abu Sulaiman (Khalid), for they do not lie, over the likes of Abu Sulaiman weep those who weep. “ – Caliph Umar
I've fought in so many battles seeking martyrdom that there is no spot in my body left without a scar or a wound made by a spear or sword. And yet here I am, dying on my bed like an old camel. May the eyes of the cowards never rest.
—Khalid ibn Walid
Abdur Rahman bin Auf
- He was one of the first eight persons to accept Islam.
- He was one of the ten persons (al-'asharatu-all mubashshirin) who were assured of entering Paradise
- Nabi Muhammad SAW said "Contribute sadaqah for I want to despatch an expedition." Abdur-Rahman went to his house and quickly returned. "O Messenger of God," he said, "I have four thousand (dinars). I give two thousand as a qard to my Lord and two thousand I leave for my family."
- One of the richest man among the companions
- Even though , he was one of the richest, he had the character ‘zuhud’ ;
"Sesungguhnya Mas'ab adalah lebih baik daripadaku kerana ia meninggal dunia di zaman Rasul dan diwaktu meninggal dunia ia tidak memiliki sepotong kain yang dapat dijadikan kafan untuk membungkusnya. Sesungguhnya Hamzah Bin Muttalib adalah manusia yang lebih utama daripada saya padahal ia tidak mempunyai kain yang dapat dijadikan kafan untuk memakamkannya. Saya khuatir saya ini termasuk di antara orang-orang yang dipercepat untuk menikmati kebahgiaan dunia fana ini dan saya khuatir bahawa saya akan tersisih daripada para sahabat Nabi diAkhirat kelak disebabkan kerana saya mempunyai banyak harta.
- Seven hundred camels laden with goods moved into the city and crowded the streets.
- Aishah shook her head and gazed in the distance as if she was trying to recall some scene or utterance of the past and then she said:
"I have heard the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, say: I have seen Abdur-Rahman ibn Awf entering Paradise creeping."
- He earned much wealth but he never remained attached to it for its own sake and he did not allow it to corrupt him.
- At the time of the Caliph, he was appointed by the Caliph Umar to lead the caravan in the first year after Saiyidina Umar was chosen as the Caliph . In fact, he is also the one that has been given a will by the Caliph Umar Ibn al Khattab before his death, becoming one of the members in the committee of six members to elect candidates who will replace him as caliph.
- "those who spend their substance in the cause of God and follow up not their gifts with reminders of their generosity or with injury. For them their reward is with their Lord, on them shall be no fear nor shall they grieve". (The Quran, Surah al-Baqarah, 2: 262).
Talhah bin Ubaidillah
- Bani Taim
- Naufal bin Khuwailid who is a kafir Quraisy were paid to disturb and harm Talhah and Ali bin Abi Thalib
- Both of them were tied and Naufal get the children to throw stones on them until they kuffar(murtad)
- He was involved in the very first war(Badr), however not as a soldier but as a spy together with Said bin Zaid to check on the enemies strength and weaknesses
- In the second war(Uhud), he was called down to the battlefield.
- Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. was attacked by kafir Quraisy and Talhah came in quickly to defend Rasulullah till the enemies fled.
- He was bruised with many wounds and cuts from the war until he fall flat onto the ground due to tiredness.
- It seems as though he was already dead due to the wounds and cuts
- Then, Rasulullah said “Whosoever wants to see a Mujahid that walks on this earth, that person would be Talhah.”
Saad bin Abi Waqqas
- Embraced Islam at the age of 17
- He is a very brave person
- Love archering(Given the name as the best archer is Islam)
- His mother threatened his by not consuming any food or drinks until he let go of Islam as his religion
- He still insist not to let go of Islam until his mother gave up on him
- A verse in surah Luqman verse 15, which refers to his mother as an example
- He was involved in Badr and he was happy that Islam achieve victor however he was sad as his younger brother Umair bin Abi Waqqas died during the war.
- In the battle of Uhud when Rasulullah S.A.W. was attacked, he was also one of those few people who protected Muhammad S.A.W.
- In the war of Qadisiah, he was elected as the leader to lead the battle and they were victorious in conquering Persia
- At the point of time when he was facing death, he pray that may Allah extend his life as his children all were still young and yet to reach the age of puberty.
- Allah answered his prayer and grant his wish
- Years after his children were all old and matured, death came to him and he told his children to put on the white cloth on him when he is gone as he wants to meet the creator with that same clothes he wore during Badr.
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