Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sheikh Daood Butt's Seminar at Ar-Raudhah Mosque

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh dear readers,
May all of you be in a good state of health and iman.
A few months ago (22nd June 2013), some of us attended the seminar organised by the youth wing of Ar-Raudhah Mosque, Al-Fateh.

Here we'd like to share the key points that had been highlighted. We apologize for the long delay. May this serve to benefit us all in our dunya and akhirah, insyaAllah. Feel free to share this around with your family and friends. Do not let the benefit stop at you! :)

In Times of Adversities: A Believer's Response

No doubt, everyone, be it Muslims or non-Muslims, will be presented with a myriad of challenges and difficult situations throughout our lives. As a Muslim, how do we view these adversities?

Does Allah swt give us tests because He is displeased with us thus He is punishing us? Have we ever felt overwhelmed by the surge of stress and turmoil of emotions accompanying the string of tests that we feel on the verge of despair and that at any point of time, we can just break?

Sheikh Daood explained that there are 2 tools that we can utilize and maximize as a way to respond to tests from Allah.

He brought us back to the times of the prophets, may Allah be pleased with all of them, in particular, Prophet Yusuf 'alayhissalam. Let's recount on how Prophet Yusuf, a handsome man with noble qualities, was envied by his brothers, so much so that his brothers plotted to kill him and eventually threw him into the well and was later discovered by some men who brought him to Egypt where he was sold as a slave to an Egyptian Chief Minister. Not only that, he was tested with the trial of a woman, the wife of the Chief Minister, who tried to seduce him. He had faced other tests too but in essence, what did he do in those times of difficulty? He cried in the well but what did he do soon after that?

 He turned to Allah swt and made du'a. He was also a man of beautiful patience.

Thus the 2 tools are:
  1. Patience
  2. Du'a

#1: Patience

Allah emphasized in the Noble Quran for us to be taqwa, to have trust, believe in Allah, and have hope in Allah. We often fail to realize that Allah puts us in trials as He had planned. Why? Because there is something good in store for us [hikmah], within the trial. As it is only through the pleasure of Allah swt that we can succeed in life, turn to Allah and ask Him to help us in our affairs.

How do we achieve patience while going through trials?

1) Think ahead and look forward to the good rewards that lies ahead of us, in reward for patience.  
As for Sayyiduna Uthman, his reward was matyrdom. Even though Rasulullah saw had given Uthman radiyallahu anhu the good news that he was promised Jannah(Paradise), he had also prophesied on a number of occasions that he would be killed unjustly. Uthman was patient and left the decision to Allah. 

2) Expect and hope for a time of ease.
Before Prophet Ibrahim alayhissalam was thrown into the fire, he was asked by Malaikat Jibril if there was anything he would wish for and what was his reply? He could have asked for himself to be saved from the fire but he said, "I only wish that Allah be pleased with me". Such high conviction and trust in Allah, subhanAllah.

3) Think of the blessings that you already have.
If we recall the story of Prophet Ayub alayhissalam, we know that he faced hardship too. Allah tested him one after another by taking away his wealth, children and health. Despite all this, he remained patient, thankful and steadfast in the remembrance of Allah.

Blessings are abundant, even the oxygen in the air, it is something that no government can control. It is free for us to breathe in every single day. We should learn to recognize the blessings of Allah swt all around.

"In times of dificulty, are you happy with Allah's decree?"

4) Remember the times that you went through a hardship and what came after it.
Remember how Allah has helped you and molded you into a better individual through that hardship. If you could get through that, you can surely get through the current difficulty you're facing, insyaAllah.

#2- Du'a

Love Allah swt so much that we constantly turn to Him and make du'a to Him, just like how our prophets had modeled the way. Remember, that our du'a can change our decree.

Also, ask Allah to bless us with the things that we ask of Him. Sh. Daood also reminded us of the importance of istikharah prayer.

Previously we made mention of Prophet Ayub alayhissalam. He, at the end of his illness, recited one dua by which with Allah's Grace his illness was cured and his tests ended.
"And [mention] Job, when he called to his Lord, "Indeed, adversity has touched me, and you are the Most Merciful of the merciful."
-Surah Al-Anbiya': 83
 Don't sit idle. Always make use of whatever little free time we have to remember Allah, make du'a, seek forgiveness from Allah.

Make du'a at a time when you need to make an effort to make du'a. #Tahajjudprayer

**You don't need a specific du'a. Ask Allah from your heart. Sincerity is most important. Pour your heart to Him, He listens, always.**

Build on your five daily prayers, work on it, perfect it.
Perfect your five daily prayers by the sunnah prayers.

Look for ways to please Allah by doing good deeds outside the norm. It does not necessarily need to be religious-related. For example, visit the sick, pay for others, go to the graveyard.

Ask Allah to grant you wisdom in your speech and actions.

Make du'a for the oppressed and the oppressor.
Ask Allah for goodness of people, even if he's an oppressor or your enemy.

Women in Islam: Exemplifying the Sahabiyat

In this part, Sh. Daood reminded us of the great women who had lived during the time of Rasulullah saw.
Some of them were mentioned like Sayyidatina 'Aisyah radiyallahu anha. On top of narrating ahadith, 'Aisha was good at preserving the household despite problems.

As for Sayyidatina Khadijah radiyallahu anha, she believed and accepted the Deen wholeheartedly. This is unlike now where we may believe but not fully accepting of this Deen. Khadijah r.a. is the critical supportive figure in the life of Rasulullah saw.

The wife of Abu Bakr radiyallahu anhu, Zainab r.a., was the backbone to his husband. Certainly, the women are behind the success of our Prophet saw and our Caliphs.

The first martyr in Islam, was a women, Sumayyah r.a. Her family and her were tortured for upholding this Deen. They were willing to give anything, even themselves for Islam. SubhanaAllah.

After we look at these figures, ask ourselves, what have we done for the Deen that we have in front of us today?

On side note, Sh. Daood also shared other things with us:

1) We should bring Islam into our home.
Such as when the husband went for Friday prayers, it is advisable to share the knowledge that he gained in the khutbah with the rest of his family.

2) Two-way communication: Ask each other from your household regarding our deen [Islam].

3) If someone annoyed you or ill-talk you, smile at them and be nice to them.
Sh. Daood once was told with a racist remark by a stranger everytime they met. His brother told him to just smile whenever someone talk bad things about you, and Sh Daood, followed his brother advice. Now, whenever he met with that stranger, he will reply with a smile, and walk away. This happened for a few times, until that stranger was attracted to Islam. SubhanAllah.

4) Make du'a everytime. Constantly Istighfar.
May Allah put wisdom in myself, my words, and my actions.

5) Be closer to Allah and avoid Worldly Entertainment.
The companions were istiqomah [consistent] in performing their ibadah, but in month of Ramadhan, they perfected it by performing the sunnah prayers/ibadah. (NOTE: The companions did sunnah ibadah outside Ramadhan too but they perfected it in Ramadhan by increase in doing those sunnah prayers/ibadah)

6) Revise and Memorize the Quran

7) How to increase our imaan?

  1.  Perform small good deeds. Eg Helping people out weather they are in need or not.
  2. Seeking Allah's pleasure in whatever we do.
  3. Visiting the graveyard, to remind us that soon it will be our turn.
  4. Do good deeds regularly and consistently.[Istiqomah]
8) In Parenting
It is important for us to tell our kids on why should we do this and why shouldnt we do this.
Eg, Why must we take ablution? Why must we pray?
Because we are all believing, and not following.

Wa Allahu'alam.

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